Is a Semi-Truck the Solution?

Floor Covering Education Foundation Installer Solution

Projected FCEF Model Solutions

The below graphs and data are projected results

Number of Installers

Gain vs Loss

FCEF Installer Loss

FCEF Gain of 5,643 is 63% of the Installer Solution.

FCEF Installer Gain

This leaves our industry with a 37% installer loss.

FCEF Installer Loss

The number of 9,000 installers is a total after losing 3,000 a year.

Source: Blackstone Group Report 2019

FCEF Gain Loss

Absorption Rate

It can be assumed that other industry affiliated companies will absorb the 3,357 installer loss.

FCEF Supporting Installers (Recruits) Solutions

Recruit representation from the Floor Covering Education Foundation would be helpful during their progress in becoming a trade professional installer during and after the FCEF program.

If the Floor Covering Education Foundation is supporting dealers during the program, how is the FCEF supporting Recruits?

Some Suggestions:

Can the Floor Covering Education Foundation offer discounts to installers to enhance their training, growth, and professionalism?

FCEF's Major Expenses

Broken down into 4 Categories


$2,000 given to each qualified Recruit.

Running Cost

Trucking staff, truck cost, maint., fuel, 30k miles, etc.

Forgiveness Loans

$1,000 returned to Recruit after completion.

Other Expenses

Purchase of tractor, trailer, marketing, etc.

FCEF Major Expenses


Largest expense, 1/2 of all expenses.  This may increase or decline based on the number of Recruits in the program annually.

Running Cost

This includes 2 trucks, and cost of running the trucks.  This doesn't include other employee costs, event costs, etc.

Forgiveness Loans

This expense is attributed to retaining 1,833 Recruits/yr. Assuming all 1,833 fulfill their program obligations.

Other Expenses

Truck and trailer cost are one-time purchases and a depreciating metric.  Marketing is 2% of revenue and low to make projections work for 2 truck model.

Revenue as a Sustainable Solution for Success

As long as Contributions are Constant - Installer Win!

FCEF Recruits

Recruits & Sponsors (dealers)

$11.3 M from Recruits and Sponsors (dealers) is 49% of all revenue.  The success of the FCEF is their ability to marry Recruits with Sponsors is half the work.  Enough willing Sponsors and a good economy are equally important to FCEF's success.

Industry Partner Contributions

$10M is 43% of revenue.  The success of the FCEF will result in a large number of Recruits coming into the Installer program.  More importantly, the FCEF will need more contributions from partners to sustain any progress.

FCEF Industry Partner Contributions
FCEF Other Revenue

Other Revenue

Over $2M of Other Revenue, is directly related to Recruit's $1,000, WFCA $1M and investment return contributions.  All are relational but not sustainable.

The's purpose is to bring you the latest updates on the Floor Covering Education Foundation and provide you insights on the FCEF's solutions from a different point of view helping you understand the problems and what needs to be done to fix them.  Together we can help the FCEF succeed.

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